
muscle activation

Accucurv is the latest body sculpting solution with a new revolutionary technology. It burns fat and builds muscle while the patient lies down and relaxes.

Accucurv Lutronic

What is Accucurv?


Accucurv activates the muscle nerves and induces a deep muscle contractions that is difficult to activate with self-training. These contractions stimulates muscle growth and volume by reciprocal contractions of stimulation and response of the muscle nerves.

iEMA (intelligent Electromagnetic Activation) technology*.

Accucurv activates muscle nerves and induces a deep muscle contractions that is difficult to activate with self-training. This contraction and muscle contraction stimulates muscle growth and volume by reciprocal contractions of stimulation and response of the muscle nerves.

Accucurv is the latest body sculpting machine with a new revolutionary technology. It burns fat and builds muscle while the patient lies down and relaxes. This is a new, groundbreaking treatment that helps the patient build muscle and burn fat while generating a toned and athletic physique.

Different processing algorithms in Accucurv

A specific treatment algorithm for different body parts allows for customized body shape management (sculpting) depending on the patient's age, body shape and lifestyle given the diverse set of individual demographic characteristics. Accucurv with its 144 programs offers an optimal treatment algorithm for each patient's individual requirements, wishing to reduce unnecessary fat in the abdomen, buttocks and thighs, while strengthening the muscles to create a firmer, more balanced posture. Tailored shape management (sculpting).



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